Friday, July 18, 2014


One screw up and you're history. And now...with YouTube...I mean that in more ways than one.


  1. Impressive, in a way. Hard to stay stoney faced and dignified when you just made a spectacle of yourself. No big deal for the Greeks, after all they're already going out in public in those white skirts and silly shoes.

    1. I just kept giggling through the whole thing. Partly because everyone takes it all so seriously...and partly because no one was hurt like in those videos where people do horrific things to themselves and then roll limply sideways on the ground. Those scenes make me cringe.

      And the Greeks were fabulous! You hardly even have to try, don't you?

  2. Talk about serious...the Marine Corporal was thinking how he was going to kick the Lance Corporal's ass who didn't catch the rifle. That was serious. On the other hand, my favorite was the casket honor guard that couldn't figure out the command "Face, Away", or whatever it is in the local patois.

    1. HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVED the casket honor guard. I even backed up and froze the video so I could attempt to figure out the flag on the coffin to figure out what country bred those characters! HAHAHAHA!

      And yeah, that marine probably got slapped around pretty good after that. OUCH!

    2. And I think it is the old flag of Iran. With the gold lion on the middle. But I couldn't say for sure...except IRAN!
